SETU Carlow Library


Scheduled library catalogue maintenance

Scheduled library catalogue maintenance

8:00 Monday 15 July  - 18:00 Wednesday 24 July During this time there will be no access to: Library Search: Print resources Library accounts Self-check machine The library online ...
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Have Your Say

Have Your Say

We are developing a new SETU library website. If you would like to 'Have your Say' about our new website, please scan the QR code or click on the button to take part in our survey and to be ...
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SETU Carlow Library Christmas Opening Hours

SETU Carlow Library Christmas Opening Hours

18th - 20th December 8:45 - 22:00 21st December 8:45 - 17:00 22nd December 8:45 - TBC The Library is closed from December 23rd to January 2nd 2024 **Library may close earlier than ...
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Carlow Campus Library Opening Hours Halloween 2023

The Carlow Campus Library closes at 5pm on Friday 27 October 2023. It will be closed on the following dates: Saturday - 28 October 2023 Sunday - 29 October 2023 Monday - 30 October ...
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Carlow Campus Library Opening Hours Summer 2023

From Monday 19th June 2023 Carlow Campus Library will be open at the following times: Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm  
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